Mattermost Cloud data residency#

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Mattermost Cloud resides in the aws-us-east-1 region, located in Virginia, United States. The following customer data will be stored at rest in this data center when using Mattermost Cloud:

  • Channels, messages, replies, and channel membership information

  • Playbooks and event runs

  • User accounts and profiles

  • Files (e.g., images, docs, etc.) uploaded to the Mattermost Service

  • Plugin, app- or bot-generated messages and files

  • Data used to measure user count, usage, and revenue

  • Data used for analytics and to measure quality of service, e.g., sanitized logs

  • IDs generated by Mattermost on behalf of the customer

If you require your data to reside in an area outside of the United States, talk to a Mattermost Expert, or consider deploying one of our self-hosted options that provides full control of your data. You may also work with one of our European partners for deploying and hosting your Mattermost server.