Plugins configuration settings#

plans-img Available on all plans

deployment-img Cloud and self-hosted deployments

Self-hosted can manage the following configuration settings in System Console > Plugins or by editing the config.json file as described in the following tables.

Plugin management#

Access the following configuration settings in the System Console by going to Plugins > Plugin Management.

Enable plugins#

  • true: (Default) Enables plugins on your Mattermost server. See the Use plugins with Mattermost documentation for details.

  • false: Disables plugins on your Mattermost server.

  • System Config path: Plugins > Plugin Management

  • config.json setting: PluginSettings > Enable > true

  • Environment variable: MM_PLUGINSETTINGS_ENABLE

Require plugin signature#


deployment-img-yellow Available only for self-hosted deployments

  • true: (Default) Enables plugin signature validation for managed and unmanaged plugins.

  • false: Disables plugin signature validation for managed and unmanaged plugins.

  • System Config path: Plugins > Plugin Management

  • config.json setting: PluginSettings > RequirePluginSignature > true



  • Pre-packaged plugins are not subject to signature validation. Plugins installed through the Marketplace are always subject to signature validation at the time of download.

  • Enabling this configuration will result in plugin file uploads being disabled in the System Console.

Automatic prepackaged plugins#

  • true: (Default) Mattermost automatically installs and upgrades any enabled pre-packaged plugins. If a newer version is installed, no changes are made.

  • false: Mattermost does not automatically install or upgrade pre-packaged plugins. Pre-packaged plugins may be installed manually from the Marketplace, even when offline.

  • System Config path: Plugins > Plugin Management

  • config.json setting: PluginSettings > AutomaticPrepackagedPlugins > true


Upload Plugin#


deployment-img-yellow Available only for self-hosted deployments

  • true: Enables you to upload plugins from the local computer to the Mattermost server.

  • false: (Default) Disables uploading of plugins from the local computer to the Mattermost server.

  • System Config path: Plugins > Plugin Management

  • config.json setting: PluginSettings > EnableUploads > false



  • When plugin uploads are enabled, the error Received invlaid response from the server when uploading a plugin file typically indicates that the MaxFileSize configuration setting isn’t large enough to support the plugin file upload. Additional proxy setting updateds may also be required.

  • The ability to upload plugin files is disabled when the Require plugin signature configuration setting is enabled.

Enable Marketplace#

  • true: (Default) Enables the plugin Marketplace on your Mattermost server for all system admins.

  • false: Disables the plugin Marketplace on your Mattermost server for all system admins.

  • System Config path: Plugins > Plugin Management

  • config.json setting: PluginSettings > EnableMarketplace > true


Enable remote Marketplace#

  • true: (Default) Mattermost attempts to connect to the endpoint set in Marketplace URL. If the connection fails, an error is displayed, and the Marketplace only shows pre-packaged and installed plugins.

  • false: Mattermost does not attempt to connect to a remote Marketplace. The Marketplace shows only pre-packaged and installed plugins. Use this setting if your Mattermost server cannot connect to the Internet.

  • System Config path: Plugins > Plugin Management

  • config.json setting: PluginSettings > EnableRemoteMarketplace > true



  • From Mattermost v9.1, set this configuration setting value to true to access a configured remote marketplace URL.

  • For Mattermost v9.0, the MM_FEATUREFLAGS_STREAMLINEDMARKETPLACE feature flag must be set to false, and this configuration setting must be set to true to access a configured remote marketplace URL.

  • Each Mattermost host must have network access to the endpoint set in MarketplaceURL.

Marketplace URL#

This setting stores the URL for the remote Markeplace.

String input. Default is

  • System Config path: Plugins > Plugin Management

  • config.json setting: PluginSettings > MarketplaceURL


Installed plugin state#

This setting is a list of installed plugins and their status as enabled or disabled.

The config.json setting is an object. The object keys are plugin IDs, e.g. com.mattermost.apps. Each key maps to an object that contains an Enable key that can be set as true or false.

  • System Config path: Plugins > Plugin Management

  • config.json setting: PluginSettings > PluginStates


Plugin settings#

This setting contains plugin-specific data.

The config.json setting is an object. The object keys are plugin IDs, e.g. com.mattermost.apps. Each key maps to an object that contains plugin-specific data.

  • System Config path: Plugins > Plugin Management

  • config.json setting: PluginSettings > Plugins

  • Environment variable: MM_PLUGINSETTINGS_PLUGINS


plans-img Available on all plans

deployment-img Cloud and self-hosted deployments

Access the following configuration settings in the System Console by going to Plugins > Calls.

Enable plugin#

  • true: (Default) Enables the Calls plugin on your Mattermost workspace.

  • false: Disables the Calls plugin on your Mattermost workspace.

  • System Config path: Plugins > Calls

  • config.json setting: PluginSettings > PluginStates > com.mattermost.calls > Enable


RTC server address (UDP)#


deployment-img-yellow Available only for self-hosted deployments

This setting controls the IP address the RTC server listens for UDP connections. All calls UDP traffic will be served through this IP.

Changing this setting requires a plugin restart to take effect. If left unset (default value) the service will listen on all the available interfaces.

  • System Config path: Plugins > Calls

  • config.json setting: PluginSettings Plugins > com.mattermost.calls > udpserveraddress

  • Environment variable: N/A


This setting is only applicable when not running calls through the standalone rtcd service.

RTC server address (TCP)#


deployment-img-yellow Available only for self-hosted deployments

This setting controls the IP address the RTC server listens for TCP connections. All calls TCP traffic will be served through this IP.

Changing this setting requires a plugin restart to take effect. If left unset (default value) the service will listen on all the available interfaces.

  • System Config path: Plugins > Calls

  • config.json setting: PluginSettings > Plugins > com.mattermost.calls > tcpserveraddress

  • Environment variable: N/A


This setting is available starting in plugin version 0.17, and is only applicable when not running calls through the standalone rtcd service.

RTC server port (UDP)#


deployment-img-yellow Available only for self-hosted deployments

This setting controls the UDP port listened on by the RTC server. All calls UDP traffic will be served through this port.

Changing this setting requires a plugin restart to take effect.

Default is 8443.

  • System Config path: Plugins > Calls

  • config.json setting: PluginSettings > Plugins > com.mattermost.calls > udpserverport

  • Environment variable: N/A


This setting is only applicable when not running calls through the standalone rtcd service.

RTC server port (TCP)#


deployment-img-yellow Available only for self-hosted deployments

This setting controls the TCP port listened on by the RTC server. All calls TCP traffic will be served through this port.

Changing this setting requires a plugin restart to take effect.

Default is 8443.

  • System Config path: Plugins > Calls

  • config.json setting: PluginSettings > Plugins > com.mattermost.calls > tcpserverport

  • Environment variable: N/A


This setting is available starting in plugin version 0.17, and is only applicable when not running calls through the standalone rtcd service.

Enable on specific channels#

Admins can’t configure this setting from Mattermost v7.7; it’s hidden and always enabled


deployment-img-yellow Available only for self-hosted deployments

  • true: Channel admins can enable or disable calls on specific channels. Participants in DMs/GMs can also enable or disable calls.

  • false: Only system admins can enable or disable calls on specific channels.

  • System Config path: Plugins > Calls

  • config.json setting: PluginSettings > Plugins > com.mattermost.calls > allowenablecalls

  • Environment variable: N/A

Test mode#

This setting was called Enable on all channels until Mattermost v7.7. It was renamed to defaultenabled in code and Test Mode in-product.


deployment-img-yellow Available only for self-hosted deployments

  • false: Test mode is enabled and only system admins can start calls in channels.

  • true: Live mode is enabled and all team members can start calls in channels.

  • System Config path: Plugins > Calls

  • config.json setting: PluginSettings > Plugins > com.mattermost.calls > defaultenabled

  • Environment variable: N/A


Use this setting as a system admin to confirm calls work as expected. When false, users attempting to start calls are prompted to contact a system admin, and system admins are prompted to confirm that calls are working as expected before switching to live mode.

ICE host override#


deployment-img-yellow Available only for self-hosted deployments

This setting can be used to override the host addresses that get advertised to clients when connecting to calls. The accepted formats are the following:

  • A single IP address (e.g.

  • A single hostname or FQDN (e.g. calls.myserver.tld).

  • (starting in v0.17.0) A comma separated list of externalAddr/internalAddr mappings (e.g.,

This is an optional field. Changing this setting requires a plugin restart to take effect.

  • System Config path: Plugins > Calls

  • config.json setting: PluginSettings > Plugins > com.mattermost.calls > icehostoverride


  • This setting is only applicable when not running calls through the standalone rtcd service.

  • Depending on the network infrastructure (e.g. instance behind a NAT device) it may be necessary to set this field to the client facing external IP for clients to connect. When empty or unset, the RTC service will attempt to find the instance’s public IP through STUN.

  • A hostname (e.g. domain name) can be specified in this setting, but an IP address will be passed to clients. This means that a DNS resolution happens on the Mattermost instance which could result in a different IP address from the one the clients would see, causing connectivity to fail. When in doubt, we recommend using an IP address directly or confirming that the resolution on the host side reflects the one on the client.

ICE host port override#


deployment-img-yellow Available only for self-hosted deployments

This setting can be used to override the port used in the ICE host candidates that get advertised to clients when connecting to calls.

This can be useful in case there are additional network components (e.g. NLBs) in front of the RTC server that may route the calls traffic through a different port. Changing this setting requires a plugin restart to take effect.

  • System Config path: Plugins > Calls

  • config.json setting: PluginSettings > Plugins > com.mattermost.calls > icehostportoverride

  • Environment variable: N/A


This value will apply to both UDP and TCP host candidates.

RTCD service URL#


plans-img-yellow Available only on Enterprise plans

deployment-img-yellow Available only for self-hosted deployments

The URL to a running rtcd service instance that will host the calls.

When set (non empty) all the calls will be handled by this external service.

This is an optional field. Changing this setting requires a plugin restart to take effect.

  • System Config path: Plugins > Calls

  • config.json setting: PluginSettings > Plugins > com.mattermost.calls > rtcdserviceurl

  • Environment variable: MM_CALLS_RTCD_URL


  • The client will self-register the first time it connects to the service and store the authentication key in the database. If no client ID is explicitly provided, the diagnostic ID of the Mattermost installation will be used.

  • The service URL supports credentials in the form http://clientID:authKey@hostname. Alternatively these can be passed through environment overrides to the Mattermost server, namely MM_CALLS_RTCD_CLIENT_ID and MM_CALLS_RTCD_AUTH_KEY

Max call participants#


deployment-img-yellow Available only for self-hosted deployments

This setting limits the number of participants that can join a single call.

Default is 0 (no limit).

  • System Config path: Plugins > Calls

  • config.json setting: PluginSettings > Plugins > com.mattermost.calls > maxcallparticipants

  • Environment variable: MM_CALLS_MAX_PARTICIPANTS


This setting is optional, but the recommended maximum number of participants is 50. Call participant limits greatly depends on instance resources. See the Calls self-hosted deployment documentation for details.

ICE servers configurations#


deployment-img-yellow Available only for self-hosted deployments

This setting stores a list of ICE servers (STUN/TURN) in JSON format to be used by the service.

This is an optional field. Changing this setting may require a plugin restart to take effect.

Default is [{"urls": [""]}]

  • System Config path: Plugins > Calls

  • config.json setting: PluginSettings > Plugins > com.mattermost.calls > iceserversconfigs

  • Environment variable: N/A


  • The configurations above, containing STUN and TURN servers, are sent to the clients and used to generate local candidates.

  • If hosting calls through the plugin (i.e. not using the rtcd service) any configured STUN server may also be used to find the instance’s public IP when none is provided through the ICE Host Override option.



Example (Using generated TURN credentials)

        "urls": [""]


To get TURN generated credentials to work you must provide a secret through the TURN static auth secret setting below.

TURN static auth secret#


deployment-img-yellow Available only for self-hosted deployments

A static secret used to generate short-lived credentials for TURN servers.

This is an optional field.

  • System Config path: Plugins > Calls

  • config.json setting: PluginSettings > Plugins > com.mattermost.calls > turnstaticauthsecret

  • Environment variable: N/A

TURN credentials expiration#


deployment-img-yellow Available only for self-hosted deployments

The expiration, in minutes, of the short-lived credentials generated for TURN servers.

Default is 1440 (one day).

  • System Config path: Plugins > Calls

  • config.json setting: PluginSettings > Plugins > com.mattermost.calls > turncredentialsexpirationminutes

  • Environment variable: N/A

Server side TURN#


deployment-img-yellow Available only for self-hosted deployments

  • true: The RTC server will use the configured TURN candidates for server-initiated connections.

  • false: TURN will be used only on the client-side.

Changing this setting requires a plugin restart to take effect.

  • System Config path: Plugins > Calls

  • config.json setting: PluginSettings > Plugins > com.mattermost.calls > serversideturn

  • Environment variable: N/A

Allow screen sharing#


deployment-img-yellow Available only for self-hosted deployments

  • true: Call participants will be allowed to share their screen.

  • false: Call participants won’t be allowed to share their screen.

Changing this setting requires a plugin restart to take effect.

  • System Config path: Plugins > Calls

  • config.json setting: PluginSettings > Plugins > com.mattermost.calls > allowscreensharing

  • Environment variable: N/A

Enable simulcast for screen sharing (Experimental)#


deployment-img-yellow Available only for self-hosted deployments

  • true: Enables simulcast for screen sharing. This can help to improve screen sharing quality.

  • false: Disables simulcast for screen sharing.

  • System Config path: Plugins > Calls

  • config.json setting: PluginSettings > Plugins > com.mattermost.calls > enablesimulcast

  • Environment variable: N/A


This functionality has the following requirements: - Calls plugin version >= v0.16.0 - rtcd version >= v0.10.0 (if in use)

Enable call recordings#


plans-img-yellow Available only on Enterprise plans

deployment-img-yellow Available only for self-hosted deployments

  • true: Allows call hosts to record meeting video and audio.

  • false: (Default) Call recording functionality is not available to hosts.

Recordings include the entire call window view along with participants’ audio track and any shared screen video. Recordings are stored in Mattermost.

Changing this setting requires a plugin restart to take effect.

  • System Config path: Plugins > Calls

  • config.json setting: PluginSettings > Plugins > com.mattermost.calls > enablerecordings

Job service URL#


plans-img-yellow Available only on Enterprise plans

deployment-img-yellow Available only for self-hosted deployments

The URL to a running job service where all the processing related to recordings happens. The recorded files produced are stored in Mattermost.

This is a required field. Changing this setting requires a plugin restart to take effect.

  • System Config path: Plugins > Calls

  • config.json setting: PluginSettings > Plugins > com.mattermost.calls > jobserviceurl

  • Environment variable: MM_CALLS_JOB_SERVICE_URL


  • The client will self-register the first time it connects to the service and store the authentication key in the database. If no client ID is explicitly provided, the diagnostic ID of the Mattermost installation will be used.

  • The service URL supports credentials in the form http://clientID:authKey@hostname. Alternatively these can be passed through environment overrides to the Mattermost server, namely MM_CALLS_JOB_SERVICE_CLIENT_ID and MM_CALLS_JOB_SERVICE_AUTH_KEY.

  • As of Calls v0.25 it’s possible to override the site URL used by jobs to connect by setting the MM_CALLS_RECORDER_SITE_URL or MM_CALLS_TRANSCRIBER_SITE_URL environment variables respectively. This can be helpful to avoid the jobs from connecting through the public Site URL configured in Mattermost and thus potentially bypass the public network.

Maximum call recording duration#


plans-img-yellow Available only on Enterprise plans

deployment-img-yellow Available only for self-hosted deployments

The maximum duration of a call recording in minutes.

The default is 60. The maximum is 180. This is a required value.

  • System Config path: Plugins > Calls

  • config.json setting: PluginSettings > Plugins > com.mattermost.calls > maxrecordingduration

  • Environment variable: N/A

Call recording quality#


plans-img-yellow Available only on Enterprise plans

deployment-img-yellow Available only for self-hosted deployments

The audio and video quality of call recordings. Available options are: Low, Medium and High.

The default is Medium. This is a required value.

  • System Config path: Plugins > Calls

  • config.json setting: PluginSettings > Plugins > com.mattermost.calls > recordingquality


The quality setting will affect the performance of the job service and the file size of recordings. Refer to the deployment section for more information.

Enable call transcriptions (Beta)#


plans-img-yellow Available only on Enterprise plans

deployment-img-yellow Available only for self-hosted deployments

  • true: Enables automatic transcriptions of calls.

  • false: (Default) Call transcriptions functionality is disabled.

Transcriptions are generated from the call participants’ audio tracks and the resulting files are attached to the call thread when the recording ends. Captions will be optionally rendered on top of the recording file video player.

  • System Config path: Plugins > Calls

  • config.json setting: PluginSettings > Plugins > com.mattermost.calls > enabletranscriptions


This setting is available starting in plugin version 0.22. Call transcriptions require call recordings to be enabled.

Transcriber model size#


plans-img-yellow Available only on Enterprise plans

deployment-img-yellow Available only for self-hosted deployments

The speech-to-text model size to use. Heavier models will produce more accurate results at the expense of processing time and resources usage. Available options are: Tiny, Base and Small.

The default is Base. This is a required value.

  • System Config path: Plugins > Calls

  • config.json setting: PluginSettings > Plugins > com.mattermost.calls > transcribermodelsize


This setting is available starting in plugin version 0.22. The model size setting will affect the performance of the job service. Refer to the configure call recordings, transcriptions, and live captions documentation for more information.

Call transcriber threads#


plans-img-yellow Available only on Enterprise plans

deployment-img-yellow Available only for self-hosted deployments

The number of threads used by the post-call transcriber. This must be in the range [1, numCPUs].

The default is 2. This is a required value.

  • System Config path: Plugins > Calls

  • config.json setting: PluginSettings > Plugins > com.mattermost.calls > transcribernumthread


The call transcriber threads setting will affect the performance of the job service. Refer to the configure call recordings, transcriptions, and live captions documentation for more information. This setting is available starting in plugin version 0.26.2.

Enable live captions (Beta)#


plans-img-yellow Available only on Enterprise plans

deployment-img-yellow Available only for self-hosted deployments

  • true: Enables live captioning of calls.

  • false: (Default) Live captions functionality is disabled.

Live captions are generated from the call participants’ audio tracks and the resulting captions can be optionally displayed on the call clients by clicking the [cc] option.

  • System Config path: Plugins > Calls

  • config.json setting: PluginSettings > Plugins > com.mattermost.calls > enablelivecaptions


This setting is available starting in plugin version 0.26.2. Live captions require call recordings and call transcriptions to be enabled.

Live captions: Model size#


plans-img-yellow Available only on Enterprise plans

deployment-img-yellow Available only for self-hosted deployments

The speech-to-text model size to use for live captions. While heavier models can produce more accurate results, live captioning requires the transcriber to process up to ten seconds of audio within two seconds. Therefore a maximum of size base is recommended. Available options are: Tiny, Base and Small.

The default is Tiny. This is a required value.

  • System Config path: Plugins > Calls

  • config.json setting: PluginSettings > Plugins > com.mattermost.calls > livecaptionsmodelsize


This setting is available starting in plugin version 0.26.2. The model size setting will affect the performance of the job service. Refer to the performance and scalability recommendations documentation for more information.

Live captions: Number of transcribers used per call#


plans-img-yellow Available only on Enterprise plans

deployment-img-yellow Available only for self-hosted deployments

The number of separate live captions transcribers for each call. Each transcribes one audio stream at a time. The product of LiveCaptionsNumTranscribers * LiveCaptionsNumThreadsPerTranscriber must be in the range [1, numCPUs].

The default is 1. This is a required value.

  • System Config path: Plugins > Calls

  • config.json setting: PluginSettings > Plugins > com.mattermost.calls > livecaptionsnumtranscribers


This setting is available starting in plugin version 0.26.2. The live captions number of transcribers setting will affect the performance of the job service. Refer to the performance and scalability recommendations documentation for more information.

Live captions: Number of threads per transcriber#


plans-img-yellow Available only on Enterprise plans

deployment-img-yellow Available only for self-hosted deployments

The number of threads per live-captions transcriber. The product of LiveCaptionsNumTranscribers * LiveCaptionsNumThreadsPerTranscriber must be in the range [1, numCPUs].

The default is 2. This is a required value.

  • System Config path: Plugins > Calls

  • config.json setting: PluginSettings > Plugins > com.mattermost.calls > livecaptionsnumthreadspertranscriber


This setting is available starting in plugin version 0.26.2. The live captions number of threads per transcriber setting will affect the performance of the job service. Refer to the performance and scalability recommendations documentation for more information

Live captions language#


plans-img-yellow Available only on Enterprise plans

deployment-img-yellow Available only for self-hosted deployments

The language passed to the live captions transcriber. Should be a 2-letter ISO 639 Set 1 language code, e.g. ‘en’.

If blank, the lange will be set to ‘en’ (English) as default.

  • System Config path: Plugins > Calls

  • config.json setting: PluginSettings > Plugins > com.mattermost.calls > livecaptionslanguage

(Experimental) Enable IPv6#


deployment-img-yellow Available only for self-hosted deployments

  • true: The RTC service will work in dual-stack mode, listening for IPv6 connections and generating candidates in addition to IPv4 ones.

  • false: (Default) The RTC service will only listen for IPv4 connections.

Changing this setting requires a plugin restart to take effect.

  • System Config path: Plugins > Calls

  • config.json setting: PluginSettings > Plugins > com.mattermost.calls > enableipv6

  • Environment variable: N/A


This setting is available starting in plugin version 0.17, and is only applicable when not running calls through the standalone rtcd service.

Enable call ringing#

  • true: Ringing functionality is enabled. Direct and group message participants receive a desktop app alert and a ringing notification when a call starts.

  • false: (Default) Ringing functionality is disabled.

  • System Config path: Plugins > Calls

  • config.json setting: PluginSettings > Plugins > com.mattermost.calls > enableringing

  • Environment variable: N/A

Enable AV1 (Experimental)#

  • true: Enables the ability to use the AV1 codec to encode screen sharing tracks. Can result in improved screen sharing quality via clients that support AV1 encoding.

  • false: (Default) AV1 codec is disabled for screen sharing tracks.

  • System Config path: Plugins > Calls

  • config.json setting: PluginSettings > Plugins > com.mattermost.calls > enableAV1

  • Environment variable: N/A


This setting is ignored when simulcast is enabled for screen sharing.

Enable DC signaling (Experimental)#

  • true: Clients will use WebRTC data channels for signaling of media tracks (i.e., voice, screen). This can result in a more efficient and less race-prone process, especially in case of poor network connections.

  • false: (Default) Clients will use WebSockets for signaling media tracks.

  • System Config path: Plugins > Calls

  • config.json setting: PluginSettings > Plugins > com.mattermost.calls > enabledcsignaling

  • Environment variable: N/A


Version v0.18.0 or higher of the rtcd service is required for this functionality to work when hosting calls through the dedicated WebRTC service.


plans-img Available on all plans

deployment-img Cloud and self-hosted deployments

See the Connect GitLab to Mattermost product documentation for available Mattermost configuration options.


plans-img Available on all plans

deployment-img Cloud and self-hosted deployments

See the Connect GitHub to Mattermost product documentation for available Mattermost configuration options.


plans-img Available on all plans

deployment-img Cloud and self-hosted deployments

See the Connect Jira to Mattermost product documentation for available Mattermost configuration options.

Microsoft Calendar#

plans-img Available on all plans

deployment-img Cloud and self-hosted deployments

See the Connect Microsoft Calendar to Mattermost product documentation for available Mattermost configuration options.

Microsoft Teams Meetings#

plans-img Available on all plans

deployment-img Cloud and self-hosted deployments

See the Connect Microsoft Teams Meetings to Mattermost product documentation for available Mattermost configuration options.

MS Teams#

plans-img Available on all plans

deployment-img Cloud and self-hosted deployments

Mattermost for Microsoft Teams enables you to break through siloes in a mixed Mattermost and Teams environment by forwarding real-time chat notifications from Teams to Mattermost.


Download our Mattermost for Microsoft Teams datasheet to learn how Mattermost helps your organization get more from your Microsoft tools.

Access the following configuration settings in the System Console by going to Plugins > MS Teams.

Mattermost Academy Learn about integrating with Microsoft Teams

Enable plugin#

Enable the Mattermost for Microsoft Teams plugin for all Mattermost teams.

  • true: Enables MS Teams plugin on your Mattermost workspace.

  • false: (Default) Disables the MS Teams plugin.

  • System Config path: Plugins > MS Teams

  • config.json setting: N/A

  • Environment variable: N/A


Use the Enabled Teams configuration option to specify which Mattermost teams synchronize direct and group messages with Microsoft Teams chats.

Tenant ID#

Specify the Microsoft Teams Tenant ID from the Azure portal.

  • System Config path: Plugins > MS Teams

  • config.json setting: N/A

  • Environment variable: N/A

Client ID#

Specify the Microsoft Teams Client ID of your registered OAuth app in the Azure portal.

  • System Config path: Plugins > MS Teams

  • config.json setting: N/A

  • Environment variable: N/A

Client secret#

Specify the client secret of your registered OAuth app in Azure portal.

Alpha-numeric value.

  • System Config path: Plugins > MS Teams

  • config.json setting: N/A

  • Environment variable: N/A

At rest encryption key#

Regenerate a new encryption secret. This encryption secret will be used to encrypt and decrypt the OAuth token.

Alpha-numeric value.

  • System Config path: Plugins > MS Teams

  • config.json setting: N/A

  • Environment variable: N/A


Select Regenerate to generate a new key.

Webhook secret#

Generate the webhook secret that Microsoft Teams will use to send messages to Mattermost.

  • System Config path: Plugins > MS Teams

  • config.json setting: N/A

  • Environment variable: N/A


Select Regenerate to generate a new key.

Use the evaluation API pay model#

Enable this only for testing purposes. You need the pay model to be able to support enough message notifications to work in a real world scenario.

  • true: Enables the evaluation API pay model.

  • false: (Default) Disables the evaluation API pay model.

  • System Config path: Plugins > MS Teams

  • config.json setting: N/A

  • Environment variable: N/A

Sync notifications#

Notify connected users in Mattermost on receipt of a chat or group chat from Microsoft Teams.

  • true: (Default) Sync notifications of chat messages for any connected user that enables the feature.

  • false: Do not sync notifications.

  • System Config path: Plugins > MS Teams

  • config.json setting: N/A

  • Environment variable: N/A

Maximum size of attachments to support complete one time download#

Specify the maximum file size, in mebibytes (MiB), of attachments that can be loaded into memory. Attachment files larger than this value will be streamed from Microsoft Teams to Mattermost.

Numerical value. Default is 20 MiB.

  • System Config path: Plugins > MS Teams

  • config.json setting: N/A

  • Environment variable: N/A

Buffer size for streaming files#

Specify the buffer size, in mebibytes (MiB), for streaming attachment files from Microsoft Teams to Mattermost.

Numerical value. Default is 20 MiB.

  • System Config path: Plugins > MS Teams

  • config.json setting: N/A

  • Environment variable: N/A

Performance metrics#

plans-img Available on Enterprise plans

deployment-img Cloud and self-hosted deployments

See the Monitor performance metrics product documentation for available Mattermost configuration options.

Collaborative playbooks#

plans-img Available on Enterprise plans

deployment-img Cloud and self-hosted deployments

Use collaborative playbooks in Mattermost to provide structure, monitoring and automation for repeatable, team-based processes integrated with the Mattermost platform.

Access the following configuration settings in the System Console by going to Plugins > Collaborative playbooks.

Enable plugin#

  • true: (Default) Enables collaborative Playbooks on your Mattermost workspace.

  • false: Disables collaborative Playbooks on your Mattermost workspace.

  • System Config path: Plugins > Collaborative playbooks

  • config.json setting:

  • Environment variable:

Enabled teams#

Enable collaborative playbooks for all Mattermost teams, or for only selected teams.

  • System Config path: Plugins > Collaborative playbooks

  • config.json setting:

  • Environment variable:

Enable experimental features#

  • true: Enables experimental playbooks features on your Mattermost workspace.

  • false: Disables experimental playbooks features on your Mattermost workspace.

  • System Config path: Plugins > Collaborative playbooks

  • config.json setting:

  • Environment variable:

User satisfaction surveys#

plans-img Available on all plans

deployment-img Cloud and self-hosted deployments

This plugin enables Mattermost to send user satisfaction surveys to gather feedback and improve product quality directly from your Mattermost users. Please refer to the Mattermost Privacy Policy for more information on the collection and use of information received through Mattermost services.

Access the following configuration settings in the System Console by going to Plugins > User Satisfaction Surveys.

Enable plugin#

  • true: (Default) Enables the Mattermost User Satisfaction Surveys plugin on your Mattermost workspace.

  • false: Disables the Mattermost User Satisfaction Surveys plugin on your Mattermost workspace.

  • System Config path: Plugins > User Satisfaction Surveys

  • config.json setting:

  • Environment variable: N/A

Enable user satisfaction survey#

  • true: A survey is sent to all users every quarter. Results are used by Mattermost, Inc. to improve the product.

  • false: (Default) User satisfaction surveys are disabled.

  • System Config path: Plugins > User Satisfaction Surveys

  • config.json setting:

  • Environment variable: N/A

Note: See the Mattermost Privacy Policy for more information on the collection and use of information by Mattermost.


plans-img Available on all plans

deployment-img Cloud and self-hosted deployments

See the Connect ServiceNow to Mattermost product documentation for available Mattermost configuration options.


plans-img Available on all plans

deployment-img Cloud and self-hosted deployments

See the Connect Zoom to Mattermost product documentation for available Mattermost configuration options.

config.json-only settings#

plans-img Available on all plans

deployment-img self-hosted deployments

Signature public key files#

This setting isn’t available in the System Console and can only be set in config.json.

In addition to the Mattermost plugin signing key built into the server, each public key specified here is trusted to validate plugin signatures.

This feature’s config.json setting is "SignaturePublicKeyFiles": {} with string array input consisting of contents that are relative or absolute paths to signature files.

Chimera OAuth proxy URL#

This setting isn’t available in the System Console and can only be set in config.json.

Specify the Chimera URL used by Mattermost plugins to connect with pre-created OAuth applications.

This feature’s config.json setting is "ChimeraOAuthProxyUrl": {} with string input.