Set a reminder#

plans-img Available on all plans

deployment-img Cloud and self-hosted deployments

From Mattermost v7.10, using Mattermost in a web browser or the desktop app, you can set 1 timed reminder on a post made in a channel, direct message, and group message. The ability to set up recurring reminders isn’t supported.

Hover over the message you want to remember, select the More Use the More icon to access additional message options. option, then select Remind. Select a time period or enter a custom date and time. You’ll receive a direct message at the time you’ve chosen, with the body of the message you wanted to be reminded about.

Once you’ve been reminded about a message, you won’t receive another reminder unless you set one.


From Mattermost v10.3, you can also schedule reminder messages to be sent in the future. See the schedule messages documentation for details.