Join and leave channels#

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Join a channel#

Channels are either public or private.

  • Public channels are identified with a Globe Public channels are identified with a Globe icon. icon. Anyone on the team can join a public channel.

  • Private channels are typically used for sensitive topics, and are identified with a Lock Private channels are identified with a Lock icon. icon. You must be invited to private channels by another channel member.


To join a private channel, you need to be added to the channel by a member of that channel.

To join a public channel:

  1. Select the Add channels button in the channel sidebar, then select Browse Channels.

You can browse channels using the Add channels button

Alternatively, you can select The Plus icon provides access to channel and direct message functionality. at the top of the channel sidebar, then select Browse Channels.

You can browse available channels to join using the + option at the top of the channel sidebar.
  1. Select Join next to the public channel you want to join.

When browsing available channels, select the join option next to any channel to become a member.
  1. Tap The Plus icon provides access to channel and direct message functionality. located in the top right corner the app.

  2. Tap Browse Channels.

  3. Tap the public channel you want to join.


When you join channels, depending on the channel actions configured, you may see a welcome message, and channels may be added to a category in your channel sidebar automatically. Using Mattermost in a web browser or the desktop app, access Channel Actions from the channel name drop-down menu in the center pane to see what automatic actions have been configured.

See the following documentation to learn more about working with channels:

Leave a channel#

When you leave a private channel, you must be re-added by another channel member to rejoin. You won’t receive mention notifications from a channel if you’re not a member of that channel.


All users are added to the Off-Topic and Town Square channels automatically. Users can’t archive, unarchive, or leave these channels.

Select the channel name at the top of the center pane to access the drop-down menu, then select Leave Channel.

You can use channel options available from the channel name to leave a channel.
  1. Tap the channel you want to leave.

  2. Tap the More Use the More icon to access additional message options. icon located in the top right corner of the app.

  3. Tap Leave channel.